
Aurecon Bridge Building Competition fostering innovation in future STEM professionals

Global engineering, design and advisory company Aurecon continues to support increasing diversity and participation in STEM with their annual Aurecon Bridge Building Competition. This year, the competition is set to be bigger than ever before with updated guidelines and bridge building kits to foster creativity and innovative thinking. The involvement of universities and industry professionals, together with Aurecon graduates will also enable students to experience where a career in STEM could take them.

Aurecon’s Managing Director – Australia & New Zealand, Louise Adams said: “We know that future workforces will need problem-solving skills and digital skills, together with innovative and creative thinking.”

“Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education is essential for future generations to learn these skills, as STEM enables students to think critically and flexibly to adapt to our rapidly changing world,” she continued.

Between 2017 and 2018, employers overall experienced greater difficulty recruiting engineering professionals compared with recent years, and the proportion of vacancies filled for engineering jobs fell from 69% to 59% over the year. Completion rates of entry level engineering degrees also rapidly slowed in the last three years and, in 2017, dropped for the first time in a decade.

Participation in the challenging STEM subjects in Australian schools has also declined by up to 10 percentage points in some subjects over the past two decades. To meet the challenges of the future, as noted in the Innovation and Science Australia 2030 plan, governments, educators and industry must work more closely together to maximise and amplify the impact of industry investment, as well as ensure students and teachers keep up with the rapid pace of change in STEM disciplines.

The New Zealand Government has established Curious Minds, an initiative with a 10-year goal of encouraging and enabling better engagement with science and technology for all New Zealanders. It has been found that interest in STEM disciplines in early secondary school is a key predictor of interest in later years at school, reinforcing the importance for teachers to maintain student interest and achievement levels in STEM skills from an early age.

The annual Aurecon Bridge Building Competition is in its 18th year and engages approximately 250 schools, with around 1200 students across Australia and New Zealand to design and construct a model bridge using materials supplied by Aurecon. It aims to encourage students to consider STEM subjects and careers by engaging with them early in a fun way. 

The bridge building kits are sent out to all teams a few months before the competition. Students work together in teams to plan and design their bridges before bringing them in to have them judged on specific Judging Days, across the seven locations in September. Students also get a chance to talk to the judges (who are senior engineers) about why and how they designed and built their particular bridge. 

With Digital Literacy becoming increasingly important in STEM-related professions, students are also encouraged to design their bridge using Sketch Up Make or AutoCAD software.

Further information about the competition, including dates, venues and highlights from previous year’s events are available on the website:

A big thank you to our current supporters for this year: Clough, VIC Roads, Main Roads Western Australia, Transurban, The University of Adelaide, Autodesk, The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Stuartholme School and Mount St Joseph Girls College. 

Appendix: Photo opportunities at the Judging Days 2019

There will be great photo and video opportunities for media at the Aurecon Bridge Building Competition Judging Days across Australia and New Zealand. Please note the competition dates and locations below, and email if you would like to attend. 

About Us

About Aurecon

Aurecon is an engineering, design and advisory company, but not as you know it. We’ve reimagined engineering.

Our clients’ ideas and aspirations drive all that we do. We work alongside them like no other firm to co-create clever, innovative solutions to some of the world’s most complex challenges, adding value across the project lifecycle through deep technical and advisory expertise. We serve our clients across a range of markets, in locations worldwide. Hardwired in our DNA are engineering, design and the deep need to leave a legacy. We are as diverse as we are dynamic. As curious as we are clever.

Drawing on our deep pool of knowledge, we bring vital engineering experience, technical capability and design expertise to the table. Then we listen deeply and intently. We see the opportunities, possibilities and potential that others don’t. Through a range of unique creative processes and skills, we collaborate with our clients to re-imagine, shape and design a better future.

We believe humanity depends on engineering; and we recognise we have a broader stewardship role to play. A deep responsibility to hold. As we continually strive for a life in balance, Aurecon clients will be both future ready and engineered for life.

Think engineering. Think again.

Aurecon: Engineering, re-imagined.

To find out more about what we have been up to visit our newsroom, or take a glimpse into the future on our Just Imagine blog

Privately owned by employees, Aurecon formed in 2009 when Africon, Connell Wagner and Ninham Shand announced the formation of a new global group.

Please visit for further information.


Danielle Bond

Head of Marketing & Communications


Phone: +61 3 9975 3138 Mobile: +61 412 870 987