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Axion Polymers expands its sales and business team

Axion Polymers is expanding its sales and business development teams across both its Manchester sites as the plastics recycler responds to rising demand for resource-efficient, high quality recycled polymers.


Commercial Operations Manager Laura Smith is now overseeing the sales and business development functions for the Salford and Trafford Park facilities. She also shares responsibility for business development for the polymer products from Salford with Mark Keenan, Business Development Manager.


Sales and Logistics Manager Amy Stiven heads up sales of all products from both sites, which produce high-grade Axpoly polymers, SRF and aggregates derived from UK end-of-life vehicles and waste electrical goods.


Taking charge of technical development for polymers is Process Development Engineer Pasika Chongcharoenthaweesuk, while Commercial Coordinator Martina Verescakova manages the Duty of Care checks for materials from Axion’s advanced processing plant (SWAPP).


Transport and Weighbridge Coordinator Sam Mahoney looks after new business for SWAPP, SRF, aggregates and other materials, as well as looking after existing customers.


Laura commented: “In almost all cases now, we are required to make a technical sell, whether it is for SRF or RDF, or for development products for polymers customers. Our expert team work together to provide an efficient service that is appreciated by our customers.” 


Having contacted potential polymer customers, Mark works with clients and their production teams to assess how best to run the material on their machines. Results are fed back to the lab where Pasika develops the correct formulations.


Laura added: “It is a similar process for SRF or RDF customers, where we tweak aspects of the process or delivery format/service to meet their needs. Dom Lorimer, SWAPP Operations Manager delivers any required process development and Martina organises logistics for ‘just in time’ deliveries.”

About Us

Axion Polymers is part of the Axion Group that develops and operates innovative resource recovery and processing solutions for recycling waste materials. The Group works with a wide range of clients within the recycling and process industries on the practical development of new processing and collection methods. For more information, contact Axion Polymers on 161 737 6124 or visit the website - www.axiongroup.co.uk  @axionpolymers.


Kathy Wilkinson


Wilkinson PR Ltd

Phone: 44 01905 621575

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Axion Polymers


Langley Road South, Salford, Manchester, M6 6HQ

Phone: 44 0161 426 7731