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Balmoral Hall Student Awarded Largest Canadian STEM Scholarship


Mia Battad, Class of 2019, has been selected to receive an $80,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship to begin studies in computer science at University of Manitoba this fall.


Mia was nominated by University Guidance Advisor Jennifer McDonald for her outstanding academic and co-curricular achievements at Balmoral Hall, a girls' school.


Mia demonstrates the boundless capabilities of women leading the STEM fields," says McDonald. "She has volunteered in our Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 classrooms to assist students as they explore physics and simple machines with confidence. With our Grades 6 to 12 robotics clubs, she has applied her knowledge and mentored teams as they develop their skills in the broader context of applications.


Mia empowers the younger girls to defy expectations and to feel as confident as she does in pursuing her passions and interests, adds Patricia Mitchler, Ph.D., who teaches physics at Balmoral Hall.


Interested in speaking with Mia? She is the second Nominee to win a Schulich Leader Scholarship at Balmoral Hall. (Ella Thomson, Class of 2013, received a Schulich Leader Scholarship to study engineering at University of Manitoba.)


Jennifer J. Pawluk

Communications Specialist


Phone: (204) 784-1600 ext. 621
