
EDF Energy retains its platinum award for procurement excellence

EDF Energy, the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon electricity, the biggest supplier of electricity by volume in Great Britain and the largest supplier to British businesses, has been recognised again for procurement excellence by The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply - the largest global professional body in the world for procurement and supply management.
EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltdis the first company to achieve the platinum award on the newly re-launched CIPS Procurement Excellence programme (PEP). EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd gained its first advanced level platinum award in 2013. This is the highest level of award possible and demonstrates that EDF Energy has a world-class procurement department.
CIPS Procurement Excellence Programme is an in-depth assessment process that measures an organisation’s effectiveness in procurement and supply management against CIPS world-class standards. EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd submitted a strong application demonstrating a number of proactive strategies that responded to external factors showing organisational agility. It was clear that procurement and supply chains played and important and valued role in the organisation.
The Procurement Excellence Programme is a globally-recognised award demonstrating how well organisations are performing with their procurement and supply chain activities. The award drives regular improvements, building a competitive edge and builds procurement’s role as a fundamental part of an organisation’s business and strategy.
Mark Barrett, Supply Chain Manager, Operations and Governance from EDF Energy said: “The efficient management of our Supply Chain function and our supply chains is absolutely core to our business, now and in the future. We were keen to continue the good work we started in 2013 and to maintain our drive, our efficiencies and our level of commitment to be amongst the best Supply Chain departments in the world.
“Achieving the CIPS Procurement Excellence Programme at platinum level was rewarding, both personally for me and for the company, instilling pride in our organisation. It required a great deal of investment, in time and energy and a clear focus on what we wanted to achieve.
“Supply Chain Excellence is a crucial driver for us and makes us more relevant to other areas of the business and to our customers. With more competition in a global marketplace, we need more compliance and new efficiencies to remain relevant, and on top of our game.”
Duncan Brock, Group Director, CIPS said, “I’m so pleased that EDF Energy Nuclear Generation is continuing its journey with us and leading the way in Supply Chain excellence for others to follow.
“This is a particularly rigorous programme, looking at people, processes and policies and to continually achieve high standards deserves congratulations indeed.”
EDF Energy also said the programme helped them to remain focussed on continual improvement supporting the business in a changing environment.

For more information about CIPS Procurement Excellence Programme:
For further information contact:
CIPS Trudy Salandiak
Tel: +44 1780 761576

About The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply
The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) is the world’s largest procurement and supply professional organisation.  It is the worldwide centre of excellence on procurement and supply management issues.  CIPS has a global community of over 200,000 in 180 different countries, including senior business people, high-ranking civil servants and leading academics.  The activities of procurement and supply chain professionals have a major impact on the profitability and efficiency of all types of organisation and CIPS offers corporate solutions packages to improve business profitability.
Twitter: @CIPSNews

EDF Energy
Tel: 24 hour press line 01452 652233
Twitter: @edfenergycomms

Duncan Brock, Group Director, CIPS (left) presenting the award to Paul Garrad, Head of Generation Supply Chain