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Greg Wolff is the Director of Planning & Building for the City of Lafayette

LAFAYETTE, CA / AGILITYPR.NEWS / September 05, 2024 /           Lafayette, Calif. -- On July 7, 2024, Greg Wolff celebrated his 27th anniversary with the City of Lafayette. He manages and provides administrative direction and oversight for all functions of the Planning and Building Services Department. This includes current, advanced, and environmental planning, building and safety, plan checking, discretionary applications like design review and variances, and development entitlement.  


          Wolff coordinates with the public, applicants, other City departments, officials, and outside agencies, fostering cooperative working relationships with City departments, intergovernmental and regulatory agencies, and various public and private groups.


          “As an entry-level planner in 1997,” he says, “I saw Lafayette as a perfect blend of small town and semi-rural living. I chose planning because our environment is how we experience the world. A grassy hillside studded with oak trees or a city street with sidewalks and street trees, the quality of a place—its design, materials, scale, and details—make up the user’s experience. Little is more impactful to one’s state of mind and enjoyment of a place.


          “Today, I continue to appreciate that Lafayette does not operate like a government bureaucracy. There are no silos, and no one is territorial. We eagerly collaborate and help one another. We celebrate accomplishments as a team. The City Manager’s door is always open for any employee.  


          “There is oversight, but without unnecessary levels of review. Good ideas are embraced, and initiative is rewarded by allowing a good idea to be piloted. Effort and good work are acknowledged. We are a small staff, but we get a lot done,” said Wolff.


          When asked what he likes most about working for the City of Lafayette, Wolff says, “The work is meaningful, and residents care about what we do. This results in well-attended hearings with a lot of public input. We are held to a high standard, and it is gratifying to meet it. The caliber of the City Council, Planning and Design Review Commissioners, and other commissioners is top-notch. 


          “They are all volunteers and their dedication and thoughtfulness around the work they do is admirable. I have made many lasting relationships with members of this wonderful community. It is a special place with outstanding civic-minded residents, and it’s rewarding to be of service to them.  


          Wolff enjoys working with the Lafayette team. “Above all, the individuals on staff are smart, hardworking, and collaborative. We are fortunate to serve a council and commissions that are sharp, dedicated, and civil. They may not always agree, but they disagree with respect for one another and staff. Their track record is to appreciate staff’s work.” 

          Wolff's typical day varies greatly but generally involves a lot of email, telephone, and in-person meetings with staff, applicants, the public, developers, and other agencies. He provides guidance to staff to ensure legal compliance, procedural steps are followed, and codes are applied consistently. 


          Wolff adds that he answers many questions and provides much information to a wide variety of parties, including property owners, other agencies, developers, neighbors, Commission and City Council Members, and the State. “While all are under the umbrella of city planning, no two days are the same, and the breadth and variety of the tasks and issues keep it interesting.”

          In his spare time, Wolff and his family are active in Scouting America and FIRST Robotics, where he coaches.


          For more information, email lafayettelistens@lovelafayette.org, call (951) 685-2111, or go online to https://www.lovelafayette.org

About The City of Lafayette

Lafayette is a charming small community located in Contra Costa County, 30 miles from The City of Oakland. It’s known for its beautiful green hills, excellent schools, and miles of hiking trails, making it an attractive place to live. The City has a population of more than 25,000 highly educated residents, with 75.2% holding a bachelor’s degree or higher. Additionally, 73.6% of the homes in Lafayette are owner-occupied. The median home value is $1,914,700, while the median household income is $219,250. The total area of the city is 15Citysquare miles.

Greg Wolff is the Director of Planning & Building for the City of Lafayette, CA.



Administrative Services Director



Phone: ‭(925) 299-3227‬
