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Linda Marie Fischer’s new album Places inspired by world travels

Electronic, dance with driving beats and powerful themes of exhilarating trips



●      Places new album from Linda Marie Fischer

●      Musical tribute to places like New York City, Texas, Iceland, and Africa

●      Mixes travel memories with electronic, dance beats

●      For Fans Of: Disclosure, Imani Coppola, Izzy Bizu and Janelle Monae

NEW YORK CITY, NY – New York City recording artist Linda Marie Fischer released her new album Places today. A musical tribute to locations across the globe that have inspired her music, the album includes songs about New York City, Texas, Iceland, and Africa. As Fischer sees it, small moments amidst travel can reveal the essence of life.

Fischer’s message in Places is to appreciate the spirit of the place you love. Remember what makes them special. Always strive to find the next thrill of adventure, and hold all the memories dear. “I started with New York City - my home - and one of the greatest cities in the world, where millions come to Times Square. That’s where hopes and dreams collide with the billboards and concrete,” Fischer shared, reflecting on the fierce dynamics and hustle and bustle of the city. “You’ll meet all types here, including larger than life characters. One of my New York songs pays homage to this type of personality.”

While many of the tracks embrace the awe and inspiration of travel, Fischer also commemorates the intensely personal experiences that often occur. “My song ‘Grace Under Stress’ recalls graver times in New York, when it came under stress - the never-forgotten attacks of 9/11,” she said. A lyric video is available on YouTube.

But New York is not the only place in Fischer’s collection. In Glen Rose, Texas, I was amazed to contemplate the Paluxy River where dinosaurs once roamed,” Fischer said. “I found that eternity is a footstep left in mind from times we thought we’d never find.”

The song “My Aurora” reflects on Fischer’s sojourn to Iceland, where she found herself on a boat in the North Sea at midnight, looking for the Aurora Borealis, often known as Northern Lights. “It was a humbling connection with nature and quiets the internal debates one has with that great sky,” Fischer said.

Places comes in quick succession to Fischer’s album Passages, released last month. Fischer commented on the decision to release two albums. “It was an organic process. As we added songs, we realized they fell into two distinct groups: passages in life for people, especially women (for Passages), and the special places I had been to in the world (for Places).” Both releases showcase Fischer’s interest in exploring a pop/dance lead, with elements of electronic and EDM.

Working with award-winning composer and musician Doug Oberhamer who engineered, mixed, and mastered the release, Fischer continues her musical journey of reflection, empowerment, and discovery.

Places is available everywhere today, including SpotifyBandcampApple Music, and Pandora.

A digital copy of this press release, and further press assets can be found at the following link using the password “places”: http://behindthecurtainsmedia.com/linda-marie-fischer-places/

More information or to align press requests please contact Hanna Yando of Behind the Curtains Media, at hanna@behindthecurtainsmedia.com or 401-305-8370.


Check out social media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindafischermusic/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaMarieFischerMusic/

YouTube: https://bit.ly/2zULsdF

Twitter: https://twitter.com/lfischermusic

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2ZZ9UWD

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About Us

About Linda Marie Fischer

Linda Marie Fischer is an American recording artist. She lives in NYC. Her first album was Arc of Love. Her two new albums, Passages and Places, grew from experience, hopes, and wishes. Linda’s music is inspired by small moments, global travels, and her searching soul.

For more information about the music of Linda Marie Fischer, visit www.lindamariefischer.com.


Hanna Yando


Behind the Curtains Media

Phone: +1 401-305-8370