
Tecan’s first virtual genomics symposium (876-20)

UNITED KINGDOM / AGILITYPR.NEWS / January 19, 2021 / On February 24th, Tecan is marking 20 years since the publication of the draft sequence of the human genome by hosting its first virtual genomics symposium. This one-day event will be live-streamed using a sophisticated new online platform, and will explore the latest advances in research, translational and clinical applications of genomics technologies, as well as offering a valuable networking opportunity to attendees.

The varied scientific program includes speakers from both academia and industry – including AstraZeneca and Cerevance – who will be discussing a range of important topics, from the potential of metagenomics for the effective diagnosis of infectious diseases to how robotic biology is being used to accelerate life sciences research. There will be a strong focus on how the latest genomics technologies are being applied to real-world challenges, such as CNS drug discovery and the development of high throughput viral extraction and sequencing workflows to cope with the current crisis. The event will also provide insights into how the latest Tecan systems and genomics reagents are being used to advance the field, including the launch of a revolutionary solution that eliminates sample loss during nucleic acid quantification.

The symposium will provide unrivaled opportunities for global communication through Q&A sessions, open discussion groups and exclusive one-to-one meetings in chat forums. There will also be a showcase of projects from students, celebrating their successes in genomics research with a poster competition. All entries will be displayed in a video presentation, and attendees will be able to vote for the best poster, with the winner receiving an exclusive prize. This global event will be the first of its kind for Tecan, as it premieres an innovative virtual format to promote the exchange of knowledge within the genomics community and reflect the expanding application of genomics research.


For more information and to enroll for this exciting event, visit

About Us

Tecan ( is a leading global provider of laboratory instruments and solutions in biopharmaceuticals, forensics and clinical diagnostics. The company specializes in the development, production and distribution of automated workflow solutions for laboratories in the life sciences sector. Its clients include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, university research departments, forensic and diagnostic laboratories. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Tecan is also a leader in developing and manufacturing OEM instruments and components that are then distributed by partner companies. Founded in Switzerland in 1980, the company has manufacturing, research and development sites in both Europe and North America and maintains a sales and service network in 52 countries. In 2019, Tecan generated sales of CHF 637 million (USD 643 million; EUR 574 million). Registered shares of Tecan Group are traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (TECN; ISIN CH0012100191).



Tecan ( ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Laborinstrumenten und Lösungen für die Branchen Biopharma, Forensik und Klinische Diagnostik. Das Unternehmen ist auf Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Automatisierungslösungen für Laboratorien im Life-Science-Bereich spezialisiert. Die Kunden von Tecan sind Pharma- und Biotechnologieunternehmen, Forschungs-abteilungen von Universitäten sowie forensische und diagnostische Laboratorien. Als Originalgeräte-hersteller (OEM) ist Tecan auch führend in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von OEM-Instrumenten und Komponenten, die vom jeweiligen Partnerunternehmen vertrieben werden. Tecan wurde 1980 in der Schweiz gegründet. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Produktions-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-stätten in Europa und in Nordamerika. In 52 Ländern unterhält es ein Vertriebs- und Servicenetz. Im Jahr 2019 erzielte Tecan einen Umsatz von CHF 637 Mio. (USD 643 Mio.; EUR 574 Mio.). Die Namenaktien der Tecan Group werden an der SIX Swiss Exchange gehandelt (TECN; ISIN CH0012100191).



Sarah Ballard

KDM Communications Limited

Phone: Tel. +44 (0) 1480 405333