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The Professional Pillow to Support the Prone Position in Pregnant Women



Practicing Chiropractor specialising in treating pregnant women, Sharon Sackey, has designed and created this award-winning Belloost Professional Pregnancy Pillow for use by Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and all manual therapists including beauty therapists and massauses.

The Belloost Pro Pregnancy Pillow is the perfect addition to professional services as it’s perfect for treating and supporting pregnant women at any stage of gestation and is fully adjustable so it grows and adapts with each of your clients throughout their pregnancy. 

Research carried out in Australia in 2018* has also shown that pregnant women who spend time in the prone (belly-down) position** can achieve benefits from not only alleviating aches and pains but also can help reduce systolic blood pressure which is of particular benefit to the 6.5 million women globally who suffer with preeclampsia each year.  

The Belloost Pro Pregnancy Pillow comes with a whole host of other features designed to minimise and reduce pressure on the sensitive areas for women during and after pregnancy, such as the delicate anterior neck structures when working on the cervico-thoracic junction, and the pubic bone, making this an invaluable tool if when working with patients suffering with symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). What’s more, there are breast holes which minimises any pressure on a client’s chest area making it suitable for non pregnant clients too, such as those with breast implants and following chest or abdominal surgery. The pillow is super compact and easy to manoeuvre, transport and store.

Price: £174.00

Stockist: https://www.belloost.com/

*Research: https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-018-2073-x#:~:text=The%20prone%20position%20is%20a,relaxation%20and%20massage%20in%20pregnancy.

**The prone position is a position in which a person lies horizontally with chest down and back up. With appropriate support, such as the Belloost Pregnancy pillow, it is considered a safe position for pregnant women


Rebecca Douglas


Aim Content Marketing and Public Relations Limited

Phone: +44 07342 075843