
The perfect Fathers Day book present for fathers and daughters alike


Gayle McKine Releases I Am A Girl, My Father My Hero

Father’s Day Special

Author, Gayle McKine, Cross Point Ministries announced the release of her long-awaited new book I Am A Girl, My Father, My Hero.

“This book will foster healing conversations…..,” said Alison Lusted, founder at Cross Point Ministries.

New Book Released

I Am A Girl, My Father My Hero, is a passionate book about the importance and impact of fathers in the lives of their daughters! How they are our first hero, and the foundational role models and standard for confident Loving relationships in the life of a girl.


It is a raw look from a girl coming of age and seeing the world around her, and the impact of his presence or absence, how it looks and feels to her! It is a call to celebrate the hero, uplifting bold fathers that are doing it right! How special they are in the lives of the people who are blessed enough to have them. 


To the “step up dads” that come in and cover the fatherless, these step up dads take the mantle and become a love covering. To the dads who lost their way, got in trouble, were too young, whatever the reason, they got up, dusted themselves off and determined to try again. They deserve a second chance to Step Up! In this book, the girl questions everything, and the Father brings the solution guided by GOD The Father’s Love.


It is a great Father’s Day book to those who wish to celebrate these everyday Heroes and understand how much we girls need our Fathers love and protection. It is written as a collective group of poems that invites exploration and passionate discussions.


This is an excellent Father’s Day present for daughters and dads alike and it provides the perfect opportunity to read together. This book will encourage and inspire healing, life-changing conversations, reminding us of the power of the Fathers Love.


A must have for everyone who seeks and celebrates the vital inner voice and unique being, that ignites a daughter’s heart to say with strength and confidence; I Am A Girl My Father My Hero.


Carl Millender

Phone: 818-237-3031