
Three Christian Ministries Join Forces to Bring Hope to Trafficking Victims in Denver

DENVER, CO, UNITED STATES / AGILITYPR.NEWS / January 15, 2025 / A safe house offering hope and rehabilitation to survivors of sex trafficking will open in Colorado next month after three Christian organizations joined forces.

The facility in Denver will serve as a refuge for up to twelve women at a time, providing eight-week placements for those rescued from severe and often unimaginable circumstances across the United States.

HER Campaign, Avodah Collective and Safe Places For Women have pooled their resources and made the announcement during Human Trafficking Awareness Month. More than $200billion is made every year from human trafficking and it’s estimated more than 50 people are trapped in slavery today.

In this exciting collaboration, Avodah has provided and will oversee the impressive campus, HER Campaign will run the facility and Safe Places For Women will provide longer-term care to the girls once they have graduated the initial program.

Survivors will receive comprehensive support, including medical and psychological assessments, group therapy as well as a loving environment with practical and spiritual support.

With specialized accommodations, the center will also welcome women who are pregnant or have young children, ensuring that family unity and care are prioritized.

Keenan Fitzpatrick, of Avodah, believes partnerships like this are crucial.

He said: “This collaborative effort has a firm purpose of rescuing as many women from the grips of hell that we can by moving with full confidence that God will provide everything needed to see this mission fulfilled.

“As a culture we have become blind to the tragic issues that plague our brothers and sisters. Human trafficking awareness month brings an opportunity for leaders in the anti-human trafficking space to bring to light a great darkness that needs to be extinguished.”

Britney Higgs is the founder of HER Campaign and already runs a similar facility in Montana. She and her family have relocated to Denver to be part of the opening.

“Our model integrates clinical services with compassionate, family-style support – a combination we’ve seen succeed in Montana, and we’re excited to bring this vision to Denver,” Britney said. “We’re here to offer hope, love, and a path toward restoration.”

Ked Frank, of Safe Places For Women, added: “Jesus said to go into all of the world and make disciples. Working with sex trafficking survivors each day is an extension of this command from our Savior.

“Three Christian programs will work together on one property, modeling unity and the love of our Savior so that every woman can experience new life.”

The safe house will cost approximately $1.5m per year to run. For more information, visit


Matthew Muray

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