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Trucking Hell: Scotland joins global campaign to Stop Live Transport


Yesterday (12th June), Scottish protesters joined leading farm animal welfare charity Compassion in World Farming to raise awareness of the horrific conditions involved in the long distance transport of farm animals.

Photo: Protesters gather outside the Scottish Parliament to stop live exports.


Activists and speakers, including MSPs Colin Smyth and Alison Johnstone, gathered outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh to welcome the arrival of a lorry displaying the slogan ‘Trucking Hell’. The symbolic vehicle then set out on a journey replicating the 468-mile route to Ramsgate endured by young calves exported from the UK.


Every year, thousands of British farm animals face long and gruelling journeys overseas for fattening or slaughter. Forced to travel for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of miles, animals routinely experience pain, stress, overcrowding, exhaustion and dehydration. Some even die in these horrific conditions.


Unweaned calves, just a few weeks old, are regularly transported from Scotland to Spain via Ramsgate. A recent undercover investigation released by Compassion revealed the horrific suffering these animals are subjected to.


“Our truck is helping to highlight these awful journeys and show the public how urgently we need to end what quite literally is ‘Trucking Hell’ for thousands of British farm animals,” said Sophie Peutrill, Campaigns Officer at Compassion in World Farming.


“It’s time for the Government to take action and enforce a UK-wide ban on live exports for slaughter and further fattening.”


Events are being held across the world on 14th June, the official Stop Live Transport: International Awareness Day, to demonstrate opposition to this cruel and unnecessary trade. Many famous faces are supporting the campaign, including Downton Abbey actor and animal activist Peter Egan, who said: “Too many animals have been forced to suffer these intolerable journeys for too long and urgent action must be taken now to stop this cruel, outdated trade. Stop Live Transport: International Awareness Day is an opportunity for us to be a voice for change. It’s time to #StopLiveTransport.”


To find out more about Stop Live Transport: International Awareness Day visit stoplivetransport.org


About Us

Compassion in World Farming was founded in 1967 by a British dairy farmer who became horrified at the development of intensive factory farming. Today Compassion is the leading farm animal welfare organisation dedicated to ending factory farming and achieving humane and sustainable food. With headquarters in the UK, we have offices across Europe, in the US, China and South Africa.


To find out more about Compassion in World Farming visit: www.ciwf.org


In May 2019 Compassion in World Farming released undercover investigation footage revealing the horrific suffering animals endure on long distance journeys from the UK to mainland Europe, and beyond. Find out more and watch the footage here.


Investigation images and footage can be viewed and downloaded here.


The ‘Trucking Hell’ stunt was developed and executed in partnership with ELVIS, a global creative partner for famous brands including Budweiser, Cadbury, Stella Artois, OREO and Honda. The agency is part of the Next 15 Group, a communications business which employs over 1,300 people across 14 countries.


To find out more about ELVIS visit: www.elvislondon.com



Vickie Richards


Phone: 44 01483 521 886