
Video Chat Your Way to Cooler Temperatures

PENNSYLVANIA / AGILITYPR.NEWS / July 20, 2020 / Video Chats For Home HVAC Issues Keeps Everyone Safe and Reduces Costs

It’s July and weather conditions have our air conditioners working overtime. What happens when they stop working? We call and hope for a service technician to come to the house, diagnose the issue, and pray they have the tools on the truck to fix the problem. And, when you are one of 700 calls in a day, it is “fingers crossed” they get to you before you melt away. 


Guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way thanks to Haller Enterprises Remote Assist. One call connects you to a trained technician and together you both troubleshoot the issue over the phone with the help of their cool video chat technology. It’s convenient; it’s less expensive (just $50/call vs. $100+ for an in-home visit); and as a bonus, it’s contactless service! Think of it as the virtual doctor’s visit for your air conditioner (or plumbing/electrical problem for that matter). If the issue can’t be solved on the phone, Haller will dispatch a trained service technician, armed with the phone call knowledge needed to find the right solution quickly.

I welcome the opportunity to talk more about Remote Assist and would be happy to connect you with an expert from Haller.

